At the 2018 SCAR Delegates meeting, the Delegates asked the Executive Committee to review SCAR programmes, activities and committees to ensure they continue to be fit-for-purpose as the science need evolves.
To help with this task, the SCAR Executive Committee are conducting a survey of SCAR’s members, scientists, partners and groups that use SCAR data and findings. With the survey we are asking for input on how different stakeholders engage with SCAR programmes and activities and what they expect from SCAR.
You are invited to complete the survey. SCAR would like participation to be as wide as possible, so you are welcome to share the link with colleagues in their institutions, countries, and with international collaborators who benefit from SCAR.
The survey should take between 15 and 30 minutes depending on the level of feedback you provide.
The survey is available at the following link and will be open until Friday May 31st.
Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please email