
Here you can find all information on the administrative side of SCAR, such as SCAR finances and the SCAR Secretariat.

The SCAR Secretariat is staffed by the Executive Director, Executive Officer, Project Officer, Science and Operations Officer and Administrative Assistant.  It is responsible for the day-to-day administration of SCAR and it reports to the Executive Committee. The SCAR Secretariat is based at the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge, UK.

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Scott Polar Research Institute
University of Cambridge
Lensfield Road
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1223 336550
Fax: +44 1223 336549

SCAR receives its funding primarily through the National Contributions of its Member countries. SCAR also receives funds through grants and other proposals for specific projects. Members also provide additional voluntary contributions to fund specific activities, such as Fellowships and Visiting Professorships. It is also possible to make donations to SCAR.

The SCAR financial year is matched to the calendar year and annual accounts are prepared on that basis and submitted to Companies House and Charity Commission in the UK. This reflects SCAR’s status as a registered company and charity in the UK. Learn more about SCAR finances below.