Call for Expressions of Interest: Polar Resource Book

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019


APECS, IASC, PEI AND SCAR jointly announce the opportunity for an AUTHOR to write a SCOPING DOCUMENT for the updated POLAR RESOURCE BOOK (PRB) PROJECT

The original Polar Science and Global Change Resource Book (colloquially referred to as the Polar Resource Book or PRB) was a legacy project of the International Polar Year (IPY) and has stood the test of time since its publication in 2010. It was written with two audiences in mind: 1) researchers interested in education, outreach, and improving their communication to non-science audiences, and 2) educators interested in bringing science research, the intrigue of the Polar Regions, and the urgency of global change into their classrooms. The user-friendliness with which this book was written also makes it easily accessible to general audiences interested in “real” science and for policy-makers needing to understand the most current research. Results of polar science are changing each year as rapidly as is the climate itself. With this in mind, we recognize the need for an updated version of the PRB.

Scoping Document

The Author (contractor) will draft a Scoping Document (~10 pages) for the revision of the PRB. Project vision and guidance for each part of the document (itemized below) will be given to the Author from the PRB Committee which includes representation from all four sponsoring organizations. The Committee has already initiated a series of brainstorming discussions which the Author will be expected to use and build on in their scoping work. The Scoping Document will include:

  1. Definition of different levels of the project that will depend on funding (i.e., Level 1: online e-Book with downloadable PDFs; to top Level: eBook plus published version)
  2. Suggested timeline for completion of each of the possible levels of the project
  3. Proposed outline for an updated book
  4. Projected budget for each suggested level
  5. List of possible funding sources with contact information/process

Compensation for the final Scoping Document will be 2000 Euros.

APPLICATION PROCESS: Submit the following to Louise Huffman by May 10, 2019

  1. Submit letter of interest– Include specific examples of how you meet the selection criteria
  2. Submit a current CV (no more than 2 pages)


  1. Conference call with the Author to define each step of the Scoping Document–date TBD between Author and PRB Committee (late May,-early June)
  2. Draft of document delivered to Committee by mid-July, 2019.
  3. Revisions suggested by the Committee due to Author by mid-August, 2019.
  4. Final draft submitted including revisions by mid-September, 2019.

Selection Criteria for Author/Contractor Search

  1. Broad international polar science expertise
  2. Experience working in science education & outreach, especially during and since IPY
  3. Experience in applying for grant funding
  4. Knowledge of international grant funders (especially those interested in polar science, global change, and education & outreach)
  5. Experience in working with main project stakeholders: APECS, IASC, PEI & SCAR
  6. Able to work collaboratively in an inclusive manner
  7. Able to deliver the required product on time
  8. Creative approach to exploring opportunities and solutions relevant to the book project

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