Please help shape Quantarctica version 4!
Quantarctica is a collection of Antarctic geographical datasets for research, education, operations and environment management that works on free GIS software QGIS. A major update to the current version 3 was made in February, 2018, and a minor update to version 3.2 will be made by the end of this year.
To respond to the strong desire of the community and to take the full benefits of rapidly growing knowledge base in Antarctica and Southern Ocean, Norwegian Polar Institute is currently developing a plan to make a major update to Quantarctica version 4. As it was successfully done for version 3 development, the Quantarctica tream would like to start this process with a community survey.
Please provide your opinions in the form linked below. The team would like to hear about datasets, data categories, and functions you want to see in QA4. The survey takes 5-10 minutes and closes by the end of November.
If you have any questions, please contact