The Norwegian Polar Institute is proud to announce the release of Quantarctica 3.2, the latest version of its free, cross-platform compilation of GIS software and high-quality Antarctic scientific data. Quantarctica is bread and butter, so to speak, for all Antarctic community. It bundles a range of scientific data, satellite imagery, and basic geographical information of Antarctica altogether so that people can handle them conveniently using Geographical Information System (GIS). People can collect individual datasets available online by themselves, which is somewhat making your lunch sandwiches from baking bread. We baked bread and serve it with nice butter for the community. Using free-to-use and free-to-edit Quantarctica, you can enjoy making your own favorite sandwiches for your research, education, operation, and environment management.
Quantarctica is now updated to version 3.2, and downloadable from Quantarctica is a SCAR product developed by Norwegian Polar Institute with editorial board members from 8 nations representing individual disciplines.
Visit the Quantarctic website to download the latest version. And please consider sharing the news and your own Quantarctica-made creations on social media- #quantarctica, #qgis , and @norskpolar are good things to tag!
If you have any questions, comments, bug reports, or good-looking maps, please email the team at