31 October 2016:
The 31st FRISP workshop will be arranged 19-22 June, 2017 at Hotel Panorama in Bergen, Norway. Please save the dates and join us for three days of interesting presentations and discussions on all aspects of ice shelf related research! More information on the workshop is available at: http://folk.uib.no/ngfso/FRISP/news.html#
FRISP was first developed by SCAR in 1983, with a specific geographical focus on the Filchner‐Ronne Ice Shelf as a subcommittee under the past Working Group on Glaciology. It later broadened its scope to the whole of Antarctica and Greenland and the direct connection to SCAR declined after SCAR’s restructuring. We are pleased to announce a reinvigorated connection between FRISP and SCAR as in August 2016 FRISP was approved as an expert group under the SCAR Physical Sciences Group to focus on the oceanic and atmospheric processes governing the behavior of ice shelves that are key to the ice sheet contribution to sea level change.
This Expert Group is distinct from and complementary to the existing Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS) Expert Group in that FRISP concentrates on the processes controlling ice shelf behaviour, whereas ISMASS is broadly concerned with the ice sheet contribution to sea level rise. The scientific focus of FRISP naturally puts its activities at the interface between those of ISMASS, SORP and SOOS, while complementing the efforts of MISOMIP, and the FRISP Steering Committee includes representatives from the Steering Committees of those groups. Establishment of further links with other relevant SCAR groups, such as ASPeCt and AntClim21 will also be explored.
For more information on FRISP visit https://scarpngmtn.nimpr.uk/ssg/physical-sciences/frisp