Delegates & ExCom Meetings

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  2. XXXIV SCAR Delegates 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Folder XXXIV SCAR Delegates 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The XXXIV SCAR Delegates' Meeting was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia, between 08:30 on Monday 29 August and 17:45 on Tuesday 30 August 2016.  There was an Icebreaker Reception at 17:00 on Sunday 28 August, and the Delegates Dinner at 19:30 on Monday 29 August.  As is customary, the Delegates Meeting, the Icebreaker Reception and the Delegates Dinner were free to attend but attendees were required to register for the meeting and social events on the SCAR 2016 website. 

The SCAR 2016 website was archived following the meeting and is available, with some limited functionality, at:

Meeting Report:

Folder Presentations - XXXIV SCAR Delegates 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  (37)
Select Toggle Title
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP03: SCAR Products ( pdf, 326 KB ) (1541 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP04: SCAR/IASC Think Tank Report ( pdf, 2.71 MB ) (1419 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP05: Antarctic Roadmap Challenges (ARC) and Horizon Scan Follow-up ( pdf, 398 KB ) (1459 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP06: The SCAR/COMNAP Fellowship Scheme ( pdf, 229 KB ) (1407 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP07: The SCAR Visiting Professor Scheme ( pdf, 175 KB ) (1435 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP08: The Tinker-Muse Prize ( pdf, 118 KB ) (1401 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP09: Summary of XII ISAES in India ( pdf, 83 KB ) (1404 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP10: Plans for Biology Symposium 2017 ( pdf, 139 KB ) (1459 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP11: Plans for POLAR 2018 ( pdf, 471 KB ) (1532 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP12: Structural Review Report (Bulletin 192) ( pdf, 326 KB ) (1413 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP13: EXCOM 2015 Report (Bulletin 194) ( pdf, 650 KB ) (1401 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP14: Expression of Interest from India in Hosting 2022 Biennial Meetings ( pdf, 190 KB ) (2040 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP15: ICED (Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean) Report ( pdf, 153 KB ) (2064 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP16: Looking Ahead: Future Multi-national Initiatives from ICED and SOOS ( pdf, 204 KB ) (2183 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP17: Report of the Joint CEP/SC-CAMLR Workshop on Climate Change and Monitoring ( pdf, 133 KB ) (1610 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP18: Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty Report to SCAR on the XXXIX Antarctic Treaty Meeting in Santiago, Chile ( pdf, 143 KB ) (1446 downloads)
pdf SCAR XXXIV IP19: SCAR Executive Committee Election Procedure ( pdf, 121 KB ) (1386 downloads)

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