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  3. SCAR/COMNAP Photographic Competition 2012

Folder SCAR/COMNAP Photographic Competition 2012

Our Antarctica – images from the Great White South

The competition, held in early 2012, resulted in submissions from 22 countries from both scientists and logisticians. An international jury selected 53 of them for exhibition and both Winners and Highly Commended for each category. The grant from COMNAP allowed them to be printed and framed for exhibition.

To see all the images together see the SCAR/COMNAP Photographic Competition 2012 gallery.

Select Toggle Title
Image People Category - Winner: Victor Troyanov (Bulgaria) ( jpg, 124 KB ) (1441 downloads)
Image People Category - Highly Commended: Philip Currie (Canada) ( jpg, 154 KB ) (1513 downloads)
Image People Category - Highly Commended: Andrey Listopadov (Russia) ( jpg, 80 KB ) (1538 downloads)
Image Places Category - Joint Winner: Martin Pratt (USA) ( jpg, 220 KB ) (1450 downloads)
Image Places Category - Joint Winner: René Robert (Belgium) ( jpg, 73 KB ) (1480 downloads)
Image Places Category - Highly Commended: Sueng pil Han (Korea) ( jpg, 116 KB ) (1506 downloads)
Image Places Category - Highly Commended: Bruno Jourdain (France) ( jpg, 75 KB ) (1504 downloads)
Image Wildlife Category - Winner: Aleks Terauds (South Africa) ( jpg, 132 KB ) (1591 downloads)
Image Wildlife Category - Highly Commended: Oona Stern (USA) ( jpg, 117 KB ) (1549 downloads)
Image Wildlife Category - Highly Commended: Anne-Mathilde Thierry (France) ( jpg, 68 KB ) (1460 downloads)
Image Elements Category - Winner: Oona Stern (USA) ( jpg, 79 KB ) (1542 downloads)
Image Elements Category - Highly Commended: Martin Pratt (USA) ( jpg, 92 KB ) (1479 downloads)
Image Elements Category - Highly Commended: Grace Saba (USA) ( jpg, 111 KB ) (1447 downloads)
Image Elements Category - Highly Commended: Aleks Terauds (South Africa) ( jpg, 187 KB ) (1473 downloads)

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