4 October 2016:
ENVEO IT GmbH would like to advertise the newly released scientific data portal at http://cryoportal.enveo.at, which provides convenient functionality for searching, viewing, visualising and downloading satellite based products for ice sheets, glaciers and seasonal snow.
Products include:
- ice velocities and velocity time series of outlet glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica
- calving fronts of outlet glaciers in Greenland (Antarctica in preparation)
- annual ice sheet wide velocity maps of Greenland (Antarctica in preparation)
- grounding lines of several ice shelves in Antarctica
- ice velocity maps of ice caps (South Georgia, Alexander Island, Svalbard; further ice caps will follow) and mountain glaciers (Pamir, Karakoram)
- snow services: near real time service on daily snow products from optical and microwave data covering the pan-European domain.
Products are freely available for download after simple registration. We will frequently update and extend the data sets on the portal.
The products are generated by ENVEO and several partners in various projects, funded by ESA, EC and national agencies. In order to further improve the portal and its usability, your feedback is very welcome.
For more information, contact Thomas Nagler and the ENVEO Team (thomas.nagler@enveo.at)